Caramel pecan (one of my favorites so far), merengue, camu camu (some type of fruit), and white chocolate with maracuya (another type of fruit). Note - I don't actually order all these flavors, I just taste as many as possible without annoying the workers too much.
So far I have only taken two pictures here, and both are of my room (the other one is from a different angle because I was trying to be artsy like Steph). It is, as they would say here, buenasa (meaning awesome). My bed is fine, but not always blanketed enough during the night because it gets pretty chilly. Unfortunately it usually falls apart soon after I get into it, because the sheets and blankets are not attached very strongly. Also it tends to be a bit bouncy. Sometimes I wake up at 4 in the morning mid-double-backflip-split-scissor jump.
The other day we went to the centre (not sure why I wrote that with a British spelling...must be all the British accents I hear here) of Lima and went to some churches. By doing this I sacrificed a win over my sister, who held an all-time record of not going to church for over a year. It remains questionable whether she has gone yet since she's been back from Mexico. I think she's going for the Guinness book. I wish her luck! Anyway, the Cathedral was pretty and fortunately the tour we joined happened to be in English, but unfortunately I still didn't understand everything the guide said due to his accent. Next we went to another church and travelled through some Catacombs, underground tunnels (as opposed to overground ones) beneath (as opposed to above) the church. They consisted of organized piles and patterns of people's bones, and in total there were over 25,000 people. I almost just sniped a skull to give Timmy for Christmas, but unfortunately they noticed on my way out when I was a head taller than I had been when I entered. So I had to return it. I did manage to steal some of the air though, by taking in a huge gasp and afterwards breathing into a glass jar. Sorry Tim, I didn't mean to give away your Christmas present. I hope you forget about this post so you can still be surprised!
Random comment: slang word here is deli, which apparently is a short version of the word delicioso. I'm not sure if my mom peruana knows that every time she uses the word, she is calling her own food a Jewish eatery.
Well since I mainly wrote this entry to avoid my homework, I should probably go work on it now. I'll try to take more pictures soon!
I did go to church a few weeks ago! Only to see Amy though.
ReplyDeleteWaaaay, peectures! Now I can peecture you better! I still don't understand where the door is though. I can picture you skyping, and I'll have to leave you entering and exiting to my imagination.
Where in your towering height did you add in the extra head?
Did you ever wake up at 4 in the morning with your nose stuck in the ceiling? Or, a much more urgent problem, your saliva locked in place?